Quitting smoking…Which Department Is In charge?

Hi Future Non Smoker In our lives and heads we have many departments. At work we step into one mental space, at home we take the attitude from a different space when playing with our children. If you were buying a home at first you are in the head space of the excited home owner…

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Quit Smoking…How Superheros Can Help You

Hi Future Non Smoker. One of the most viewed TED talks in history is Amy Cuddy talking about how standing like Wonder Woman can help you to feel more confident. She is a psychologist who specialises in studying how human posture can affect our emotions and our wellbeing. In short standing up straight with your…

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Quit Smoking…What Are Young Smokers thinking?

Hi Future Non Smoker Quit Smoking…What Are Young Smokers thinking? I’m not a mind reader so I am often curious about what people are thinking when they are smoking. I’m even more curious when I see young people with a cigarette. I can understand someone in their fifties who grew up in an era when…

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Quitting Smoking…I Love It… I Hate It

Hi Future Non Smoker Quitting Smoking…I Love It… I Hate It A very common thing I hear from my quit smoking clients is that they enjoy smoking, they love to smoke when relaxing with friends, or having a drink or a coffee, but each day they wake up thinking that they wished they could quit…

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Quit Smoking…It’s Nicotine Not Cocaine!

Hi Future Non Smoker The belief of many smokers is that nicotine is as addictive as cocaine and this explains why it is so hard to quit. Even the drug companies support this argument by promoting drugs which have a serious impact on the dopamine receptors in your brain as a solution. This should solve…

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Quitting Smoking…Not Enough Commitment

Hi Future Non Smoker. Quitting Smoking…Not Enough Commitment Over the past few years I would have fielded perhaps 3000 phone inquiries from people interested in quitting smoking. I can usually tell very quickly which people will book an hypnosis session and which won’t. I can now guess very accurately which people will sail through the…

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Quit Smoking…How Would You Like Your Body To Work?

Hi Future Non Smoker The human body is very complex and it allows us to do amazing things, so it would seem only natural to look after the very thing that carries us through life. Strangely enough most people either don’t think about it or just don’t care. It doesn’t make any sense unless you…

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Quitting Smoking…How Can you Escape The Grip Of Cigarettes

Hi future Non smoker Quitting Smoking…How Can you Escape Smoking is a perfectly designed trap. Most people start when they are young and open to peer pressure. The cigarette companies had carefully crafted their marketing messages for decades, before governments cracked down on their behavior, of course now they have turned their attention to promoting…

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Quit Smoking….How To Reduce The Anxiety Of Quitting Cigarettes

Hi future Non Smoker Quitting Smoking can be an anxious time for many people and there are a few reasons which can make it harder. The fear of the unknown. If you have smoked for a long time then you may be anxious  about how you will manage your stress or boredom or drinking sessions…

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Quit Smoking… Good Grief Another Price Rise.

Hi Future Non Smoker Quit Smoking… Good Grief Another Price Rise. Australian smokers pay about 400% more for a packet of cigarettes than in many states of the USA. And they know that each year the price will rise to $40. Of course a couple of years later the cost of smoking will naturally rise…

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